Getting To Know You, Getting To Know All About You...
I like to talk.
Sorry, maybe that was a bad way to introduce myself. Hi there, I'm Myra, owner of this blog! Thanks for clicking on my blog, I hope you find something that strikes your fancy, but if you don't, stick around, because I post weekly, so there's something here for you, I'm sure of it!
Now, this is an about me page, right? So let me tell you a bit about myself (don't worry, I'll try not to bore you to death). I've been a writer for a long time, but only published my first completed novella in January of 2020 - right before COVID-19 hit, of course. But I love writing. Building stories is a passion of mine, not just a passing hobby. I have a deep appreciation for all of the arts, however, not just literature, and therefore adore partaking in music, books, movies, and artwork. And when you couple that with a love to gush... well, you see where this is going. I love to talk about why I love the things I do, and now I get to share that with you! So, circling back to my poorly written first sentence... I like to talk.
But why create a blog? Well, I'm glad you asked, dear reader. You see, I am fully aware that there are plenty of website dedicated to just what I described. But I began to notice that they are were overwhelmingly depressing and negative. I don't want that! So, taking matters into my own hands, I decided to make my own, positive-vibes-only website where I can gush, write, and generally enjoy being a writer and blogger. It's my hope that being here on my corner of the internet boosts your spirit, too! So, welcome to the club, have your honourary cup of tea and square of chocolate, and let me shower you with all sorts of recommendations!